Astral Projection FAQs


Lets look at the questions that most people often have or ask themselves about the OBE. Astral projection is ofcourse an interesting experience but there are some things that everyone interested to try or learn should know.

How is astral projection experience

Well i have noticed that around the world and allover the internet people search for this term. It is without any doubts one of the most recognised forms of meditation. But astral projection is even amongst the very interesting experiences simply because of its "Out of Body Experience" nature. an Out of Body experience (OBE) is when a person leaves the physical body and travels out of it.
When leaving your body you can choose an astral plane for you to travel. Well it depends on you as a person since this experience does not limit you when it comes to choosing your destination plane ofcourse. You can just travel around the neighbourhood, visit the park or whatever it is that you feel like. But remember it is better to visits the places where you'll feel safe or places that you're farmiliar with.

Is Astral Projection Real 

Ofcourse it is a real experience, even though your body might be left on a suspended plane when astral projecting, but your consciousness is awake and aware of everything that is happening.  When astral projecting you feel the vibrations even though you're out of your body and those vibrations are real, Astral projection is an altered state of consciouseness. It is your mind concentration and focus that lifts your soul out of your body and allows you strengthen or weaken the vibrations.

Who can astral project

Most people have astral projected but without them knowing that they are astral projecting. Even though this experience requires one to have the techniques, but it does not mean that it is impossible. Anyone with the skills and the knowledge of putting their body on a complete relaxation state and suspended plane can astral project. It does not matter whether you're a male or female, it lies on your ability to relax your body and put it on sleep paralys and learn how to lift your soul out of your body and still maintaining focus and concetnration over the vibrations. Im not trying to scare you about the vibrations, but it is true though most people fail to complete this experience due to being unable to keep concentration and focus after experiencing the vibrations. This can be frightening as it is a signal of your soul wanting to leave the body that's all. But remember you're always in conrol, with propar knowledge and enough practice this is not hard at all.

Is astral projection dangerous

I can't remember how many times i've been asked this question hey and each and every time i come across this question i always find my self laughing. Well im not trying to be funny or anything, IS Astral Projection Dangerous?

Well personally i would say it an experience or excercise that one needs to fully understand before intending on trying to achieve it. Why am i saying this?. This is simply because we can't ignore the unique nature of astral projection. This is you controlling everything using your mind, both the physical and the spiritual side of a person is being balanced by your minds ability to focus.
But even so, there are a whole lot of things that might scare or frighten a begginner when astral projecting. Lets make an example, if it happens that you get to a plane where you feel very uncomfortable that ofcourse can be termed as dangerous, but i've never heard of anyone dying though. Simply put it can be an unpleasant experience to a person with less knowledge. But like i always say, astral projection needs focus and also you need to always remember that you are in control, if it gets uncomfortable just lift your vibrations and go somewhere safe. Even so NEVER forget that all you see is a projection, meaning you need to always return to your physical body before draining too much of your energy.


How Long does It Take To Astral project

Well many people always get frustrated when they can't seem to get their first successful astral projection experience. I was one of them, I think what most people seem to overlook at is the fact that you need to acquire enough knowledge before even trying to have your first astral projection experience. Why am i saying this?. Well astral projection requires skills and techniques and people need to farmiliarize themselves first with these techniques. Basically the key when it comes to astral projection is a positive mindset. By this i mean one should be willing to learn with patience and consistant practice

By believing and having confidence you will most definitely eliminate most of the challenges. So there is no specific amount of time that you can take till you get it right, but it all depends on you. So take some time and understand the important basics of the notion of astral projection, then practice with patience and determination. Trust me that's all you need.

Can out-of-body experiences be proven?

Well this has been one of the most discussed topics about astral projection. Can astral projection be proven?. Personally i believe there can never be any physical evidence proving the concept of astral projection. But it can only be proven through one's participation or attempt. Why am i saying this?. Astral projection is an Out Of Body Experience therefore it is rather spiritual then physical and the experience is unique from one person to the next.

So there only way one can prove astral projection is by attempting and achieving the state of astral travel and that ofcourse can never have any physical proof.

What Is An Astral plane?

This is actually a very important thing to understand for people interested to prctice and learn astral projection. An astral plane is a medium that one travels on when astral projecting. When one is on an astral plane , the physical body is left on a suspended plane but still connected to the astral body through what is commonly known as a silver chord.

So in simple terms an astral plane is a platform established from your thoughts as you astral project. Astral planes differ in frequencies depending on the power of ones thoughts or projection. So we can reffer to an astral plane as the fantasy world of a person when astral projecting.

Are there Any Astral Projection Side-Effects ?

I know and understand the curiosity that people have around this question. Personally i believe there's nothing dangerous about astral projection that can possibly lead to death threatening conditions. But it is important for me to help you understand the notion of astral projection to get a good answer for this question.

Astral projection is an Out of Body Experience, therefore there more you astral project is there more you deeply connect with your soul and your mind. What do i mean by this?. Astral projection experience can change one's way of thinking and views on certain aspect of real life. There are a whole lot of things to do on astral planes and therefore this could be an eye openning experience to some hence changing their perception about certain things or even the world and life at large.


What Can I Do When astral Projecting?

Well I really can't tell you much besides the fact that the possibilities are both endless and limitless when travelling on astral planes. What do I mean by this?. Well simply put, I'm trying to emphasize the fact that there are really no restrictions when it comes to OBE and it is upto a person what they want to do since astral projection is influenced by a person's thoughts. But ofcourse there are a whole lot of things to see or do which are impossible to do in planet Earth.

What Language Can I speak When Astral Projecting

Well honestly speaking like i said before there are no limits when it comes to this experience. You can speak any language and it really doesn't matter, it is really up to you and you'll never find yourself in an environment where you can't communicate with your surroundings. I once projected and i found my self speaking a language that i never heard of before in real life but funny enough i was able to comprehend and communicate back.

What does the astral projection look like?

Well this depends on one's thought and projection ofcourse. I mean we can not all have the same looking like astral projection experience. But obviously there are similarities when it comes to the feel and the vibrations. Each astral plane is different from the other when it comes to the vibration levels. So the higher tha astral plane , the higher tha vibrations. But when it comes to the look and feel, it looks and feels like the normal world but then with a higher frequency level.

Please Also Checkout our post on Lucid dreaming FAQs to see the difference between these two experiences as most people seem to confuse them.

So have fun, try new planes when projecting but always remember to stay safe.
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