The term "Astral projection" refers to an out-of-body experience in where one’s spirit leaves the physical body and it travels to what is commonly known as the astral plane of existence. This experience is also known as an interpretation of out-of-body experience (OBE) .This assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from one's body and capable of traveling outside it.Astral projection normally happens to most people spontaneously while sleeping, but it is possible for one to teach himself how to get this experience intensionally.
Most people believe that the idea of astral travel or (OBE) originates from common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife,where the consciousness is described in such terms as an Out of Body Experience, During this eperience, spiritual traveller is seperated from the body and travels in his/her subtle body , in this state they are taken to what's called "Higher Realm.". So as we've learnt about this experience it should be noted that this can be a very dangerous experience as it a "near death"experience. That's why when intending to astral project you should take all the factors into consideration.This experience is related to also other experiences like, sleep and dreams, illness, surgical operations, drug experiences, sleep paralysis and forms of meditation.
Discovering and teaching yourself how to astral project definitely requires determination and patience and focus, For people who are fully dedicated though though to do some proper research it can be easier.
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