Lucid Dreaming


When talking about lucid dreaming we actually referring to a dream in which a person is aware of the fact that one is dreaming. So in a lucid dream, a person dreaming or the dreamer is able to be in control to a certain degree or extent  over their participation while in the dream, this means that the dreamer can manipulate the environment of the dream and the participation in that dream. these dreams can be vivid and realistic . So it is an interesting experience really since the dreamer is able to influence the structure and activities within a dream, your consciousness is brought into play unlike your normal dream where one is unable manipulate and influence the dreaming process and experience. This experience is said to take a dreamer to even higher realm, your senses are as realistic as in a normal awaken state, since you are able to wake up within the dream everything feels, sounds and seems real.

When having a lucid dream,  It is said that it usually begins in one of two ways :

1 dream-initiated lucid dream-

In this type of a lucid dream, a dreamer starts engaging as in a normal dream, so basically, initially this dream begins as a normal dream and then the dreamers subconscious then realise it's a dream. This is when the dreamer then starts engaging, influencing and manipulating the dream.

2  A wake-initiated lucid dream

This kind is said to be far more interesting, this is simply because the dreamer in a wake-initiated lucid dream leaves the a normal waking state and then enters directly into a dream state. Bearing in mind that this process takes place with no apparent lapse in the dreamer's consciousness . Even what's more interesting about this dream is the fact that it takes place when the dreamer enters REM sleep without any broken self-awareness directly from the waking state.

Does Lucid Dreaming Feel Real ?

Ofcourse I'm sure this is one of the questions that suddenly come to anyone's mind whenever they read or think about lucidity or lucid dreaming. Like we have mentioned earlier on our post that the experience is as real as that of the awaken state. A dreamer has control of every situation within the dreamers, hence having the ability and power to manipulate it. Lucid dreaming is said to be the proven method of taking over your dreaming state and make it as real as possible.

You can also checkout my post about Lucid Dreaming FAQs for more insight.

These dreams are said to be detailed and very contextual and not to mention that the possibilities are unlimited. That is why this experience is said to be unique, normally in an awaken state there's a whole lot of things that are impossible for a human being to do. But in this state of lucid dreaming a dreamer is able to explore with awareness and still having total control. When talking about exploring I'm basically highlighting the fact that you can challenge the physical laws like flying and doing all there is which is said to be impossible.
Lucid dreaming allows you to unlock a variety of your brain channels and the possibilities are limitless and endless, but still having total control and a realistic feel. By being able to unlock the door between the real world and the fantasy world , this experience is said to have some psychological benefits. 

The Key Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming

As we've discussed earlier that Lucid Dreaming  is a person's perception of his or her consciousness, with direct fully integrated control than normal dreams. This is a dreamer's world and the dreamer as the main subject, with this comes a room for greater beneficial experiences. The lucid dreaming experience unlock channels in one's fantasy world hence creating a platform for a pleasurable emotionally healing experience depending on the dreamers choice of content. I have further discussed the benefits in my post about benefits of Lucid dreaming.

Most people have reported that this experience enhances self belief and an ability to face your fears.  It 's also known as a  treatment for nightmares, it is said that people who normally have nightmares gives them the ability to be aware of the fact that they are just dreaming and nothing is real. It also helps people foresee their future achievements and have a clear indication on how to go about to get there, since everything in the dream is the perception of your consciousness it gives you a planning platform.

Since this is a dreamer's fantasy world but with real features and control, it helps you unlock and discover your greatest fantasies, which can be a good aid to for self discovery. Whether it's a health, wealth or career related fantasy, Lucid dreaming connects you with your deepest desires. As this experience is not influence by external factors but just the dreamers consciousness, it's really a world of unlimited possibilities which can be great for your motivation and inspiration.
For most people this has been the tool for raising self awareness and self discovery, giving you a clear indication of your zest in life and purpose.
Further detailed benefits are explained in my post about Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming.

Lucid Dreaming Scientific Approach

Dating back from ages ago lucid dreaming has been argued to have been a practice but some argue it's a new age practice. There is quite a number of scientific studies about or associated to lucid dreaming. This scientific approaches helped shed more light on the understanding of a dreaming state. Well in 1968 according to the most reliable sorces that was when the first book of the scientific recognition of Lucid dreaming by Celia Green. The book was basically about the scientific analysis of dreams. From this book conclusion were made that they Lucid dream is ofcourse unique from any other normal dreaming state, lucid dreaming was concluded to be one of the REM sleep conditions.

However, in late 1970s British parapsychologist Keith Hearne provided the first evidence of the realisation that eye movements  which are in dreams may somehow affect the dreamer's physical eyes. He said that this is true, provided a way to actually prove it is possible to have total control of actions in a dream like in normal awaken state. This was one of the widely known experiments known as Communication via In-Dream Eye Movements which was basically an experiment proving that one can influence the content of the dream with a certain degree of control. Even though Keith Hearne's experiment introduce some level of direction to understanding Lucid dreaming, his point of view did not get that much puplic attention.

Later on more researches were conducted by other scientist like  Stephen LaBerge, with more or less the same theory as the previous experiments, this experiment concluded that it actually a possibility for dreamers to be awake within their dreaming state. Later on this research was then followed about proven techniques to achieving this state of higher realm, known as lucid dreaming.

Since then there have been a number of researches conducted on this topic by universities and other scientist, psychologists and physicians. A number of universities conducted continued deeper research to critically analyse the approach and the techniques  of lucid dreaming,
 LaBerge's The Lucidity Institute is one of the widely known in researching and experimenting lucidity, by people like  Stephen LaBerge .

Later on around the 80s there was more scientific evidence proving that it was actually possible to enter a state of higher REALM through lucid dreaming. Since then, there have been additional techniques to help people reach the state of controlling their fantasy world of a dream.
Lucid dreaming has been a a daily practise for some people , and it is because of these scientists and researchers that such can be achieved with ease.

Lucid Dreaming And Ancient History

The Cultural History Of Lucid Dreaming

As much as to most people started knowing and having interests in lucid dreaming not so many decades ago, Historical studies prove that Lucid drteaming is not just a 21st century practice. This fantasy world practice is believed to have been a common practice during the era of the early Buddhism .  It is said to have been a common practice by monks and nuns back in the early days of Buddhism. During the 8th century era the people were using it as a tool or way to Understand the four postures and states of being asleep or awake,basically being aware of the fact that that you are in a sleep mode and have your consciousness into play. also Known as another form of   "Dream yoga" and" Dzogchen meditation ".

Dzogchen Meditation :

This Dzogchen meditation is also known as an awareness meditation technique, In some part of the world it is known as  " rigpa awareness",  "contemplation", and "presence". With this technique of meditation awareness in the dreaming state is associated with the "Dzogchen practice of natural light". But then with this technique, the problem is that it only achieves the lucid dreaming state as the secondary level.

Dream Yoga

 Dream yoga is also a meditation practice like "Dzogchen Meditation", but where they differ is that this technique is primarily aimed at reaching lucid dreaming state unlike the other one.In Buddhism , this practice or lucid dreaming is said to be a way of coming to terms with dreaming world and understand the phenomena which would be overwhelming to a dreamer or person in a normal dream.

This practice of lucid dreaming is indeed not new, It was also recognised in the western culture. The most recognised people who had interest in lucid dreaming back in the ancient western culture days , we can count amongst the likes of philosopher and physician Sir Thomas Browne,  St. Augustine of Hippo,  Samuel Pepys and   Marquis d'Hervey de Saint-Denys who argued that it was possible for a person to reach the state or higher realm and dream being aware of the fact that he is dreaming.
But also history proves that the term "lucid dreaming" was from a dutch psychiatrist in 1913 by the name of Frederik van Eeden who publishe3d an article on this topic called "A Study of Dreams".

It did not end there ofcourse, the use of lucid dreaming for health benefits were once reported in the 50s , said to have been practised by Malaysian "Senoi hunter-gather". Even though at a later stage these claims were never confirmed to be true , both history and science has shown that lucid dreaming is possible and that this practice has been around for decades and centuries.

Lucid Dreaming Induction :

As much as we all dream of achieving the state of lucid dreaming, it's not as easy as one might actually think or hope. It takes practice and discipline to get to the lucid state and requires even more concentration to stay lucid. So lets look at some of the proven techniques that one can adopt to ensure that this experience doesn't end up being impossible for you to achieve. One of the key things though one has to take into consideration is having the ability to concentrate. Concentration is one of the key factors.

Below I've gathered steps to help you get to your state of lucidity better without having to spend time researching.

Also please check out my post where I've explained the importance of each step and Practising lucid Dreaming.

1. Dream Recalling- It is essential for a person intending to master the technique of lucid dreaming to teach himself how to remember dreams. Just by starting from your normal dreams that you dream on daily basis. Teach your self to remember all the things you dream about. Keep information about your dreams, you can have a journal or a book that you can use to record and keep track of your normal dreams.

   2  Make use of your dream journal- After teaching your self the simple skill of remembering your normal dreams, you can now start by recording your dreams immediately after waking up. with frequent and consistent practise you will find that remembering your dreams becomes less difficult since your brain gets used to remembering your dreaming experience.  make use of recording devices such as video recordings and voice recording if it works better than just having a journal. Here you can record your dreams in full details. Now i know most people don't realise the importance of this habit. This helps your compare your dreams and trace related elements from each and every dream you have.

3. Have time to rest - Resting- when i say rest i don't mean just rest and do nothing but rather start from practising to channel your brain while you resting with your eyes closed. Basically this helps you gain control over you thought and maintain focus. You will notice that consistent practice of this will eventually give you control of creating scenes within your thoughts.  Try getting a quiet place that makes you feel relaxed, it does not have to be your bed, it can be at the beach , under the tree or any where where there is not any external disturbing factors. After all Lucid dreaming is about being in control and this will help you get there.

4. Schedule Your Sleeping Sessions-  i can't stress the importance of understanding your body and realising your best sleeping times. It has been said that most people find it easier to achieve Lucid Dreaming state just before they wake up in the morning. so you might wanna start by just waking up 3 hours before your normal waking time in the morning and get back again to sleep with the intention of inducing lucid dreaming. At this time your body is more relaxed and it makes it easier for your consciousness to take charge unlike just after you go to bed and you tired.

Now that you have the basics right lets go to the different Lucid dreaming techniques and see which one best suites you.

 There are a number of different proven induction techniques, People are advised to use the one that best suits them and which they comfortable with. These techniques ofcourse they differ to a certain extent but they all serve the same purpose.  The widely known lucid induction techniques are:

DILD  (Dream Induced Lucid Dream):

The  difference between these two techniques is simple,  in DLID the dreamer gets a dreamless phase in his sleep before reaching the state of lucid dreaming.

 WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream) :

with this technique rather you go directly from the waking state into the lucid dream without having a dreamless phase. With this lucid dreaming technique you need to make sure you rest before hand and then when it's time for you to sleep try to focus on lucidity. Stay calm and relax and carry the images and the thoughts from your normal awaken state. Relax and don't lose focus.
There are also other techniques you can try like:

MILD (Mnemonically Induced Lucid Dream)

This technique was made famous by Dr. Steven LaBerge.
With this technique you have to channel your mind to go into dreaming state by simply telling yourself that you gonna be dreaming about a certain subject. for example . you can start by saying things like "I will dream about  cars", make sure you repeat this until it has went deep inside you. Keep on repeat the thought till you sleep.

WBTB ( Wake Back To Bed) Technique

For most people , this technique is said to be the most easiest. With this technique you have to time your sleep. Lets say you set an alarm to wake you up three hours after you've gone to sleep. Then when you wake you then spend time  an hour or so channelling your mind to lucidity. This technique uses the MILD method.

EILD (Externally Induced Lucid Dream)

This technique basically unlike the rest it need  some sort of an external cue inorder for you to achieve the lucidity. With this technique a dreamer uses a lucid dreaming device to get to the lucid state. Even though these devices are not that easy to find, but with enough research you can get hold of them.

5. Do Reality Check

Teach yourself the skill of reality checking. As a dreamer you will find that since you can be able to wake up and take control of the fantasy world in your dream and still feel the same as when you're awake it can be problematic. This means that you can end up confusing your dream with reality. It is advisable for people practicing Lucid Dreaming to have some kind of an object that they can always carry at times which can help them distinguish between a dream and reality since these two experiences end up being the same. It can be anything that has got a different behaviour in a real world and in a dream. For example, you can have a coin that you normally spin, if it does not stop spinning then you know that cant be real. Always remember to have that piece with you.

6. Length Of A Lucid Dream

The amount of time you need to have a full lucid experience differs from one person to the next. But it is essential to know how to keep the time going in your dream. You can only achieve this by having skills to open more dreaming space in your mind whenever it seems to shut down. There are a number of ways one can prolong a lucid dream. You can just teach yourself simple things as rubbing hands, moving your body at a constant rate while in a dream and keeping in mind that you are dreaming as this can help stay calm and have a constant focus. If it happens that you realise that the dream is fading away create another environment by using what you see around you in your dream.

7. Compare Dream Patterns

After you have compiled a list of your dreams and recorded them down with all the full details of each and every dream, you can start comparing them. This will help you do an analysis and actually workout common patterns and elements of your dreams. These patterns and similarities can help you learn alot about your subconsciousness and can also help you improve and get better at lucid

Important Things To Remember About  Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a practical and exciting method of self discovery and self awareness.

Lucid dreamers can enjoy the benefits of facing their fears and discover their zest in life.

Try to teach yourself the skills to remember your dreams  just by starting by you normal dreams.

Record your dreams down everytime immediately after waking up as this is a very essential step that can help you learn lucid dreaming faster.

Choose the method that best suits you and your sleeping habits, remember to always have plenty of time to rest.

When you in a dream and sensing danger or feeling threatened by your surroundings don't panic,  but rather remind your self that it is just a dream.

Always try and plan ahead what you gonna dream about as this is very helpful to get the idea to sink in before your sleeping time.

Remember the techniques and don't mix them as this may result to an unsuccessfully lucidity experience.

If  it happens that you forget the dreams, just try and spend some time to remember atleast how the dream felt like and this can help your mind visualise and focus again.

Please take some time and read more on my blog about lucid dreaming as you will find articles with a deeper analysis on each and every section of this dreaming experience.

Also see Lucid Dreaming FAQs for more information on Lucid dreaming.

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